Extended abstracts
Extended abstracts have to be written in English. Contributors are invited to send an extended abstract (max. 1000 words or max. 2 pages A4), including:

  • first names and last names of author and co-authors
  • affiliation
  • email of the corresponding author
  • main text with introduction about the scientific context and the objectives of your work, then successive parts showing the methods, the results, the discussion and the conclusion.

Additional pages may be added for references.

Please upload the template

  • (latex)
  • (word)

Full papers

If extended abstracts were accepted by the scientific committee, authors will be invited to submit a full paper (max 8 pages A4) detailling their work. Otherwise, extended abstracts will be directly included in the scientific program of the FMA workshop.

Oral presentations

The language of the FMA workshop is English. Oral presentation will be grouped in thematic sessions, animated by a chairman. Orators will have 15-20min to give their oral presentation, and then 5-10min for questions from the participants.

PC computer will be available with the PowerPoint (version 2010), but you are encouraged to come with a pdf version of your presentation.


Format-A0 posters will be presented in the hall close to the amphitheatre where the conference will be. To visit the poster aera, participants will have coffee-breacks and special sessions at the end of the day. Authors will have 1min to pitch their work at the beginning of the oral sessions.

Additional pages may be added for references

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